Thursday, April 20, 2006

Crazy Dog People

The sedition incident that happened a few months back revealed the intolerance among some in the majority race of Singapore. The doggie site forums have users who compare their dogs to those in the Malay community and claim that their dogs are better. It's clear that they believe that just because they own their dogs, their dogs are better off than these 'lowly' humans.

The strange thing is, dogs cannot be civilized, they can only be trained to behave in certain ways. No matter how 'lowly' a human being is, we can still manage to have a conversation. Can you do that with a dog? Apparently, some of these disillusioned dog-lovers believe they can. Yes, they are the ones who bring a dog to a restaurant and put it on the chair next to them. They will feed it stuff from their own plate (or even order one for the dog itself) and talk to it and tell it to behave itself.

My question is simple. After treating it with so much respect, it doesn't occur to them to clothe their so-called friend. After all that talk and behaviour of a cultured individual, they leave the dog naked? This is your typical dog-lover. They can identify various breeds of dogs at the drop of a hat but can't tell an Indian from a Malay even though they have lived in multiracial Singapore all their lives. They think nothing of running around their pet collecting its shit but can find children who make barking sounds when encountering a dog stupid and laugh at them.

In reality, these people are likely to be psychotic and delusional. They behave as if they are the only real people around and live in their own world. It's more like an unhealthy obsession. They don't discuss alternative views from non dog-lovers or even feel the need to communicate their personal stand. To them, anyone who isn't a dog-lover is simply not considered a person at all. And that just spells plain dog-crazy!


Blogger StraightToThePoint said...

It is not the views but the behaviour of these dogs... I mean dog-lovers that are extreme.

3:37 PM  
Blogger StraightToThePoint said...

No, I do not own a dog. However, I do not have any problems with dogs or pets in general. My gripe is with the human condition.

9:18 AM  
Blogger StraightToThePoint said...

Yes, I do have a cat myself...

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your shallow opinions reflects on your upbringing. I wont blame u for this. I guess your parents should bear the brunt. Hope u grow up.

7:00 PM  

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