Wednesday, November 30, 2005

China In The SEA Games

What an exciting week ahead. The SEA Games have started and we have China joining in this year. China is moving to its new home in South East Asia, to Singapore. As athletes who can't speak a word of English represent Singapore (where English is the First Language) and start chalking up the gold medals, the world witnesses this phenomenon. With the brilliant idea of overpaying foreigners to get them to take up citizenship in Singapore and represent our colours for sporting events, we now have the opportunity to further confuse the world of our heritage.

Supporting the worldwide recognition of Singapore being 'a little town in China', the number of actual born-and-bred Singaporean athletes will be successfully phased out soon at the current rate.

The value of Singapore citizenship continues to get more affordable to any tom, dick and 'ah tan' who can manage to use a table tennis bat. Singapore supporters also get a chance to play the 'Was this athlete born in Singapore?' game. Whenever a Singaporean athlete wins a medal, we can immediately start speculating and confirmation comes when the athlete says a few words. If anything other than English is spoken, we have a winner!

Some proponents of having Singapore becoming an outpost for China have suggested that the Game's highlights and reports be moved to Channel 8 and/or Channel U so that additional dubbing in English can be avoided when telecast on Channel 5.